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The whole of my work is undeniably coloured by the crossbreeding of my two cultures: the Asia of my childhood, and the Europe in which I have been living for 20 years.

By a vigorous drawing, clean lines, the use of voids and a great economy of means I try to go to the essential in order to deliver to the viewers pure and soothing pictorial spaces ...

© copyright ji young demol park 2015  - Toute reproduction, même partielle, est strictement interdite.

Des rives et des crêtes

Currently exhibited at the Musée du Léman in Nyon (Switzerland)

A series of more than 50 paintings on my interpretation of the landscapes of Lake Geneva to be discovered until November 1st, 2020.

Recently exhibited at the Natural History Museum of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Lignes de Crêtes

A series on landscapes of the Faucigny/Glières region in Haute Savoie


A selection of works on the Vosges mountains... or when the Vosges remind me of the Korean mountains of my childhood.

Croupes et Crêtes du Lac

Between the lake and the sky, the landscapes and massifs of Lake Annecy can be seen.

나무 (arbre en coréen)

Une série sur l'esthétisme vertical des arbres


Streams emerge from the snow like the first brushstrokes on a blank sheet of paper...

Viridia Ligna

A series of works in the continuity of the series 나무 (Namu)


A series of works on the landscapes surrounding the shores of Lake Emosson in Switzerland).

Abstraction paysagère

Par des compositions qui semblent abstraites, se révèlent des paysages alpins.

Métissage pictural 

Une série d'encre de Chine sur papier de chanvre 

Sainte Victoire

Une série de gravures, ayant comme point de départ la silhouette de la montagne Sainte Victoire


Une série de gravures à l'image de l'art traditionnelle textile coréen : Le Pojagi

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